Knives out — a review

Aneeq Ali Khan
2 min readOct 16, 2020

Intrigued by the trailer for Knives out I planned on watching it in the cinema, but as fate would have it, cinemas are closed — sad. Devastated, I decided to scrap my movie list, until I happened to glance upon a description of the movie which mentioned how it was a tribute by Rian Johnson to Agatha Christie. As a loyal Christie fan, I had little control over the decision and sat down to watch the movie.

It is hard to live up to a name like Christie’s, and I have to say one goes into the experience with an expectation of devastation and a foreboding of horror. Cue Daniel Craig. I have been…



Aneeq Ali Khan

“A lover, I am of Murtaza Ali In rapture, my very being cries out: Ali Ali” ~Rumi